
"FIrst we eat, then we do everything else." - M.F.k. fisher

I love good butter as much as I love good, seasonal veggies.
A five ingredient dinner gets as many high fives as a five hour roast.
In my pantry you’ll find both nutritional yeast and cheese balls.
I like playing with the juxtaposition of highs and lows:
rouge river blue on ritz, finishing dinner with amaro & sour gummies.

My life in NYC started in f+b marketing and event planning.
That desk job morphed into culinary school and a career change,
which brought me into the restaurant scene and test kitchens.
I did editorial work with publications like Short Stack Editions,
and became a chef instructor teaching cooking classes at places the Brooklyn Kitchen
until I took a full time position at Plated where I developed CPG products
and wrote, edited and tested 250+ recipes a year.

After Plated I shifted my focus to freelance work:
mostly product development & culinary consulting for f+b brands,
with some private chef work, food styling jobs and cooking classes on the side.
Today, I work for Banza where I develop products (like this pizza!) and run culinary R&D.